Need quality content for your website or company blog?
Don’t have the time to come up with a content strategy, research keywords, original content ideas, much less actually create the content?
I just might be the all-in-one one man solution to all of your problems.
Before I talk more about myself, let’s talk a little bit about who you are:
You already have a business, and you’re making money, but want more clients/customers from your website. As this is my livelihood, I don’t have the ability to take bets on startups that can’t afford to pay until hypothetical profit down the line. I work with businesses and sites that already make substantial money online, and make sure that those numbers keep growing month after month.
You want someone who creates a content strategy from scratch(or knows how to work with existing one). The last thing you want is to have a team of writers from the third world, churning out not-even-third rate content on every range of topic in your niche under the sun, just to fill out your website with content and keywords. While this worked wonders c.a. 2002, a page’s size alone doesn’t guarantee high rankings anymore. And of course, it’s not exactly going to encourage social media activity either.
You want someone who can execute on a content strategy with engaging quality content. I’m looking to build my brand alongside yours, so poor quality work hurts me just as much as it hurts you. Therefore every piece goes through multiple stages, planning, writing and of course proofreading and editing.
You’re looking for a writer that can inspire an existing audience to share, by understanding what they like and want. As the very first step, before even thinking about a content strategy, I believe in getting to know a website, blog or platform. In getting to know their audience, and adapting my own brand of writing to appeal to them.
You’re looking for someone with honest business practices. Unlike some people in the industry, I don’t pretend to be an expert when I’m not. I don’t secretly outsource the content creation to Filipino workers for minimum wage. I’m comfortable with my strengths and I stick to them. If I believe I’m not the best man for the job, I will refer you to someone I think is a better match and we’ll go our separate ways.
If you recognized yourself in the points above, I think we could do some good business together.
Are we a good match? Check out my services and get in touch or continue reading a little bit more about me.